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It's all really up to you. I'm assuming you're asking this in regards to a full coverage policy. Anyhow, get some estimates for your vehicle and compare the estimates to your deductible. If you got a dent and it costs $700 to fix, you might as well pay the entire $700 since the insurance company will only pay out $200 with a $500 deductuble. The possible insurance increase wouldn't make any sense in that case. If you have the extra cash to pay for a repair bill, you might want to pay for it yourself. Remember, anytime you submit a claim to insurance for damages, you are essentially "billing" them for the repairs, and they might raise your insurance accordingly. No. Every time you report an incident to your carrier, their underwriting department records same and will use it to increase your premiums at a later date.

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Q: Should you submit an insurance claim if no other car was involved?
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Does the insurance agent submit the auto accident claim to the insurance company or do I ?

It is up to the driver to subit the auto accident claim. You should submit the claim as soon as possible after the accident.

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When an insurance claim arises be it life or general insurance, you are to intimate the insurance co. earliest, get necessary claim forms and submit the same along with all requisite papers/documents. There should not be any clumsiness in your answer to any query and it should be clear and to the point. If the Insurance Co. requires additional papers, submit the same instantly for speedier settlement of the claim by the insurance co.

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One can file a claim with Affirmative Insurance by going on the official Affirmative Insurance website. Then one can press the button 'Submit A Claim' to file a claim.

When should you submit a claim to a secondary insurance company?

After you have received the Explanation Of Benefits (EOB) from your primary carrier if there is coordination of benefits. If the secondary insurance is an indemnity you do not need to wait.

Can you file a claim for life insurance online?

If your Insurance Co. is well equipped with the system, you can submit claim on line. Even in the negative, the intimation of claim can always be filed to the Insurance Company on line.

Where can one go submit an accidents claim?

The place that someone would go submit an accident claim is based on the claim and the company. If it is an auto claim and someone has AAA insurance, they can file a claim on the website or call an agent.

Can you lose your no claims bonus if the insurance company knows you have an accident but don't claim?

If they know about the accident, there should be a claim involved so it could.

What is the timely filling limit to submit the claim to aetna insurance?

120 days in WA.

What should you do if you are involved in an accident in which there is personal or one thousand dollars or more in property damage?

claim 4 insurance.

What are the steps to take when you saw someone hit your car with their door in a parking lot Is their insurance going to pay for this do you have to get your insurance involved?

The first thing you should have done was call the police so that you'd have a report to submit to your insurance proving someone else was at fault. Barring that, you can still submit a claim to your insurance. If you know who damaged the car, you can settle it without insurance, but it's not recommended. People often agree to pay for damages until they get the final bill, which is always more than they expect. Then you'd have to sue them for the money in civil court. The other option is to simply have the damaged fixed and pay for it. But your best bet is to submit a claim to your insurance, who will go after the person who damaged your car, assuming they can track him or her down.

Can someone claim a whiplash injury?

Yes, you can. You should get in contact with the insurance agency of the other person involved and claim your injury. It requires a proof of injury from a doctor.