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my tire blew out lost control hit a guardrail but didnot get hurt or damage guardrail

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Q: Should you report hitting a guard rail?
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I hit a guard rail on the highway and got an accident report do I have to report it?

In a case where there is an accident report, it is best to report it. It is always better to be safe than it is to be sorry.

How should a scaffolding tower be erected?

There are two safe ways to erect a scaffolding tower, which are advance guard rail system and 'through-the-trap' (3T). The advance guard rail system allows temporary guard rail units to be locked in place form the level below, while the 3T method ensures the operator is not standing on an unguarded platform.

What the homonym for guard?

You have guard the profession, the object as in a guard rail, the verb as in to guard something. Many homonyms.

What is guard rail made out of?

usually steel

What is the German word for guard?

Depending on context, guard can be translated as follows:noun:WacheWächterWärterBewacherBewachungWachmannLeibwacheSchutzSchaffner (rail)verb:bewachenbeschützenschützen

Is a crash attenuator is in the middle of the guard rail?


Which rail should buy the element rail or the zero rail?

you should get the zerement rail its a mixture of an element and the zero

How many horizontal rails for a site constructed guard rail?


How many horizontal rails are required for a site constructed guard rail?


How many horizontal rails are required for a site-constructed guard rail?


What is the purpose of guard rail provided over railway bridge?

The purpose of a rail is to keep someone from falling. You can hold onto the rail while walking up and down the stairs.

A question regarding the stair parts - What is the difference between a stair handrailing and a stair guard rail?

There really is not a difference. A guard rail has a handrail on it so they are really the same thing. All staircases must be designed to fit any guard-rail type building code. No spaces greater than 4 inches and no less than 36 inches tall. Source: