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Unless you drive a luxury vehicle with comprehensive and collision coverage and your daughter is driving an old beater with just liability, it will likely be cheaper to add her and her car to your policy, assuming you live together. Contact your insurance agent for a quote on both scenarios to be sure. If your daughter is still a dependent on your taxes or you have an ownership interest in her car, be cautious as you still could be found liable for any damage she causes, regardless of if she has her own insurance or not.

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Q: Should my 18 year old daughter get her own car insurance or should I put her on our car insurance we live in CA?
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Why must I carry my step daughter as a rated driver on my insurance when she does't live here and her mother provides a car and insurance?

The answer is not clear from your question. If she does not reside with you and you do not permit her to utilize any car that you insure, the fact that she is your step-daughter should not, in and of itself, create that requirement. Obtaining the answer is the proper role of your insurance agent, who should be advocating for you. It may be a function of the underwriting requirements of the insurer, but the reasoning is not apparent. Your insurance agent should have direct access to the underwriting department of the insurer for salient information. Be sure that when the insurance application was completed, your step-daughter was not shown to have a connection with you or the insured vehicle such that the insurer had reason to think that she may, in the future, have access to the car.

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Insurance follows the car not the person. As long as she had permission to drive the car, she is covered.

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If you live in a hurricane prone area, you should have hurricane insurance. People who live in the Midwest do not carry hurricane insurance on their property.

Is my daughter covered under my insurance if she is not on the policy and does not live with me?

No chance.

I live in Texas and I just bought a 2014 Civic my insurance is very high What is the required coverage i should have?

To have an idea of how much insurance you should pay visit

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Can my husband and i who have auto ins in fl would like to change ownership to daughter wand keep the car under our policy?

It should be fine as long as your insurance covers drivers not listed on your insurance. You may have to put her name on your insurance. It also depends where she is going to live. I think as long as you put her name on the insurance, it will be fine no matter where it is from.

Should you tell car insurance co about all the childrens live in the house have driving license?

should i tell about my children have driver license live with me some time they drive

Should you insure your car in Chicago where you work when you live in Seattle?

You should insure your car from where you live. Your insurance should cover you anywhere you drive within the contiguous United States. My, that's a long long commute - lol.

Is a home covered by insurance if you dont live there?

If you have a policy, then it should. Some coverages will be limited since you do not live there such as personal property.

What if your home is a duplex and you live in one unit what kind of insurance should you get?

You just need regular homeowners insurance, nothing special is needed.

Is a 35 year old son considered a child and must be added to your car insurance if he lives with you?

If he lives in your household he should be listed on your insurance policy. If your son does not live with you but sometimes drives your vehicles he should be listed on your policy and his address should be listed as a secondary garaging address.