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If you can buy it cheap enough. Assume you will have to not only replace the head gasket but also the head and possible have a complete overhaul on the engine. You need to know that if the engine was driven around with a blown head gasket then it may have severe internal damage from the coolant mixed with the oil. My advice is to assume you will have to either overhaul this engine or buy another one. Buy it cheap enough so you can do that and it can be a good buy. But then again there are lots of Jeeps out there for sale so why go through the hassle.

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Q: Should i buy a 2002 jeep with blown head gasket?
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Sure it will start with a blown head gasket. But, if you continue to run this engine with a blown head gasket you will destroy the engine.

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No it will not. The only thing that will fix a blown head gasket is to replace the gasket.

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For the Head gasket kit it is 99.99 and for just the head gasket it is 43.99 at advance auto

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Other than a leak, a blown head gasket. Very serious, so stop driving until this is repaired if you suspect a blown head gasket. Serious engine damage will occur.Other than a leak, a blown head gasket. Very serious, so stop driving until this is repaired if you suspect a blown head gasket. Serious engine damage will occur.

How do you know if it is a blown headgaskets?

There are several possible indications of a blown head gasket: If the head gasket is blown between adjacent cylinders there will be poor or no compression in either cylinder. Poor compression in any cylinder can be caused by a blown head gasket. That condition can also be caused by a burned valve or piston. Coolant in the crank case can be caused by a blown head gasket. Compression in the coolant can be caused by a blown head gasket. An engine with a blown head gasket usually loses performance and runs poorly or not at all.