Absolutely not! Very dangerous situation. FIRE! It should be spraying, but if it's dripping the problem might be it has a bad electrical connection, it might also be the o-ring not sealing in the throttle body itself. You can generally get a new "Pig Tail" (for the wiring) or a rebuild kit with the new o- ring(s) If none of the above are the case you have a bad injector.
There may be but in most cases the throttle body sticks from carbon deposits built up. Try spraying throttle body cleaner down the throat and around the throttle butterfly.
buy some throttle body cleaner and it should tell you on the package
Should be located on the throttle body
Should be at the bottom of the throttle body throat (inside)
It is on the side of the throttle body should be on the back side.
I suppose it is possible but I suspect you have carbon build-up in the throttle body. A good cleaning with a throttle body cleaner should clear that sticky throttle up.
GM throttle body injectors can be visually seen while operating. Remove the air cleaner assembly to expose the injectors. With the engine runningat an idle, they should have a nice umbrella shaped spray of fuel coming out. If one is dripping instead of spraying, it is probably bad. If one is dry, try swapping connectors with the other to see if the condition stays the same or moves over to the other injector.
No, you do not have to buy the entire throttle body. You can buy only the throttle position sensor. Most of the big chain stores such as Kragens, Autozone etc. should have it.
Spray the throttle body (carb) with cleaner, not carb cleaner. You should use throttle body cleaner because there is a coating on the throttle body that will be removed if you use carb cleaner and that coating that comes from the factory should not be removed.
There should be a screw near the end of the throttle cable on the throttle body.
Its attached to the throttle body and should have about 4-5 wires going into it, it also should be near the end of the throttle cable
It is on the throttle body.It is on the throttle body.