I'm pretty sure the 2002 Silverado has a cycling clutch compressor, which should release the clutch to cycle off when the specified system high pressure has been reached, and cycle back on when it drops to the specified system low pressure. It should not be running at all times.
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Where is the AC compressor fuze located on the 2002 honda civic lx?
Remove the Freon from the compressor. Remove the air conditioning hoses. Remove the compressor belt. Remove the compressor retaining bolts. Reverse the process to install the new air conditioner compressor.
in the fuse box
Answerthe connection for the hose is right on the compressor i have an 01 ls and i had to jack the car up and its on the compressor itselfthe compressor is on the driver side of the car and you have to jack up the car if your ac is full and its not blowing cold air check your high pressure switch. follow the line from the compressor it should be in the front on top
I just had similar problem with 2000 expedition. It was the bracket not the compressor. but if you don't fix bracket soon compressor will go bad too.
The ac compressor clutch is mounted on the front of the compressor and is a replaceable part. However depending on the complexity of the clutch change out it may be overall better to change the compressor and clutch together.
Remove the belt from your Mercedes-Benz 240 air conditioning compressor. Remove the air conditioning hoses. Remove the compressor retaining bolts. Reverse the process to install your new air conditioning compressor.
look inside the door for the gas filler.
To replace a receiver drier in a 2002 Hyundai Sante Fe, it is recommended to take it to an authorized dealer. This part is usually cheap to replace and the only time it should be replaced is when there is a mechanical compressor failure.