Tom veered his car sideways when he realized he was on the wrong lane.
Luke Verred in to the room.
They veered off course in a sharp turn.
what is the definition of the word veer The driver veered because he made a wrong turn.
She was on her way back to work after lunch when she veered into the shoe store.
The car veered off of the road, crashing into a tree.
Veered or Bended
I am not writing a sentence using that word.
a sentence using the word endotracheal
This is a sentence using the word aviator.
When driving - "veer left and take the first exit" Improved Answer: The teenage driver veered to the side when he almost ran into the tree.
this is a sentence using the word armchair.
I am saying a sentence using the word collagen.
Need a sentence using the word crater?