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As the screw holes on the distributor caps are used to hold the cap down, when stripped, the cap could be JB Weld. ?æRe-drill the screw hole once the weld cures.

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Q: Screw holes on distributor cap are stripped?
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Can a vehicle operate normally with only one screw holding the distributor cap down?

No only one screw holding the distributor down will cause the cap to be crooked and damage to the cap and rotor will result

Which position is number 1 on the distributor cap of a 1995 Chevy Z71 350?

#1 will be the first hole past the cap's mounting screw on the left side of the distributor, going clockwise.

What is the size of the screw that holds the distributor cap on a Honda civic dx 1989?

Should be a 7mm

Where is 1 on the distributor cap 1994?

The #1 plug on the distributor on my 94 tracker is here: find the front hold down screw for the cap (away from the firewall), go counter-clockwise from the screw and the first plug you come to will be #1. The firing order is 1, 3, 4 ,2 moving clockwise around cap.

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There are 3 screws holding the distributor cap on. After removing the cap, there is a small Phillips head set screw holding the rotor in place on the shaft portion of the rotor.

How do you remove a distributor cap screw bolt rusted stuck without destroying distributor?

Most of the time it breaks off and you will need to drill it out and replace screew.

How do you change the distributor on a 1996 Nissan 240SX?

buy a new distributor cap and rotor. Unscrew the distributor cap (on the drivers side of the engine block), take note how the existing rotor is sitting, remove it, and place the new rotor in the same position. Put on the distributor cap and screw it into place... very simple job. thats how you change the rotor......he asked about the distributor....try again.

Does a 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 Have Points and Distributor Cap?

Points, no. Distributor cap, yes.Points, no. Distributor cap, yes.

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It does not have a DISTRIBUTOR OR CAP

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It does not have a distributor cap.

How do you remove the distributor cap and rotor on a 1994 Chevy Caprice?

The Distributor Cap on the 93 and 94 Caprices are fastened to the base with two screws. The screw in the front of the Distributor Cap is relativley easy to access. However, the screw on the back of the Distributor Cap is a bit of a challenge. I use a screwdriver with a flexible shaft and a 9/32" socket. Prior to getting this screwdriver, I used a 1/4" ratchet wrench with the 9/32" socket on a 2" extension. If you have the LT 1 engine, you have to purchase a special deep socket from your local parts house. There are 2 screw that are recessed into the case. you can access them without removing the distributor. Repair parts are available in the $100 range, or replacement dist. not much more.

Where is distributor cap on 93 Chrysler intrepid?

A 1993 Intrepid does not have a distributor cap.A 1993 Intrepid does not have a distributor cap.