what is the similarities between vocation and job?
A vocation does not have to be within the Church, anyone can have one. You can have a vocation to be a mom, dad, etc. Or you can be things within the Church.
Iain G. Nicol has written: 'Vocation and the people of God' -- subject(s): Vocation
Catholic meaning of 'vocation' Vocation is a calling fro god on which a person is to be a nun, monk, priest etc. For an example Mother Tereasa set up the Missionaries of Charity, to help people i need and poverty.
His vocation is a linen-weaver
The prefix of "vocation" is "vo-".
She found her vocation as a teacher after realizing her passion for helping others learn and grow.
common vocation
a vocation is a call to a way of life
her hobbies i think where helping people get better
The phrase "hobbies of my friend" can make a sentence sound awkward and makes the sentence unduly longer. You can shorten it to "my friend's hobbies", with friend being a singular noun turned into a singular possessive noun.
The Suspended Vocation was created in 1978.