most likely due to a dis connected arm in the cowel. The arm that connects the wiper arm to the motor wears out on the end and falls off of the arm assembly. pull the wiper motor. ( kind of a pain ). Take out the arm . get another from the salvage.
should be near the windshield on the passenger side as i recall .. near the back of the hood where its hard to get at
Lift cap on the end of the windshield wiper arm where it connects to the wiper motor assembly. Under the cap you will see a nut. Remove the nut with a 15mm socket. Wiggle the wiper arm back and forth until it comes off.
Take off the bolts at the bottom of the wiper arms and you may have to wiggle the arms back and forth to work the wiper arms off.
1. Crank up your defrosters and let them heat the windshield. Gently wiggle them back and forth until they come loose. Do not turn on the wipers until they are free. Scrape windshield thoroughly after they are freed. 2. You can dump HOT water back and forth accross the wiper blades and wiggle them (but note you may be causing more ice problems later) 3. If you accidentally damaged your wiper blades, the 2003 Chevrolet Venture takes 24" replacement wiper blades on both sides front (and a 16" wiper blade on the rear).
A windshield wiper moving back and forth across a car's windshield is an example of intermittent motion. The wiper moves in a cycle of starting and stopping, creating intermittent motion to clear the windshield of rain or debris.
unplug the wiper motor under your hook, its located at the back of the engine compartment on the passenger side
It's located passenger side below windshield wiper. remove the cover at the base of windshield and pull it out. be careful putting back the piece of rubber if you don't want the passenger floor to become a lake when it rains
Fluid for my SUV (Envoy XUV) is fed from the same container that feeds the wiper fluid for the windshield.
Click on the link below Click on Owner Guides The owners manual can be viewed online Page 50 shows to pull back on the windshield wiper lever to operate the rear windshield wiper
The windshield wipers go back in forth if you now now what i mean
Open the hood, and it is located inside the back wall of the motor up-high around where the windshield wiper are located (i.e., passenger side, below the windshield there is an approx. 2" x 8" inch opening) .Dale Mondragon
The back windshield wiper may not be working because there may be a short in the switch. It is best to have an auto mechanic look at it.