

Best Answer

"Note that your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance policy by trustee insurance company which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from the money before it can be remitted to you this means?" demonde de vériféction;merci Parcel Flight Express Courier Service (Attention:Khalid Smarmi)‏ De : Parcel Flight Express Courier Service ( Envoyé : jeu. 11/12/08 14:42 À : khalid med ( Parcel Flight Express Courier Service.


96 Manchester Rd

London M28 3FU,

United Kingdom

Attention:Khalid Smarmi,

To speedy up immediate delivery, you are to locate any Money Gram International Transfer agent close to you and make the payment of 350 GBP with the details of our account officer (Mrs.Nancy Crow) provided below;

Name:Mrs.Nancy Crow (Account Controller)


96 Manchester Rd


M28 3FUF,

United Kingdom

After payment you are advised to send the payment slip as an attactment via email, so that our accounts officer can acknowledge your payment and also send the following information via email as They appear on the Money Gram transfer slip:

1) Sender's Name:

2) Receiver's Name:

3) Sender's Address

4) Amount Sent

5) MTCN Number

6) Test Question And Answer If Any

Once this is done we are going to initiate the delivery of your parcel to your door step in your country of residence in Casablanca.

Note that your lottery funds are protected by a hard-cover insurance policy, which makes it rather impossible for us or even the national lottery board to deduct any amount whatsoever ever from it before total remittance to you.

We do hope you expedite actions on the payment.

We are glad to be of service to you.

John Smith,

Handling Officer

Parcel Flight Express Courier Service.

Tel: +44 703 592 7046

Fax: +44-707-502-3196


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Q: Note that your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance policy by trustee insurance company which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from the money before it can be remitted to you this means?
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