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i'd check the coil pack or distributer depending on the age of your car

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Q: No power to your injector wires?
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Might be a clogged injector. Run some injector cleaner through it, or replace the injectors.

Miss fire number 5 cylinder 2005 f150 stx?

check plugs, wires, or coil packs. on cylinder #5. But if your changing plugs or wires do them all at one not just #5. ------------------------- Dont forget to check the Fuel Injector also. You can test the injector by swapping the # 5 injector with the injector from any other cylinder. If the miss changes cylinder then the injector is bad.

What would be wrong with a 92 tracker pumping way too much fuel through the injector I replaced the injector-ecm-fuelpump relays-and pressure regulator and yet it still dumps excess fueL AT injeCTOR?

i would check the wires, you might have a short to power which would keep the injectors open all the time.

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If the problem followed the fuel injector then it is a bad injector. If the problem stayed at the same hole with a different injector then it could be bad wiring.

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MIght be the injector itself.

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P0205 means that the PCM detected a fault in the injector 5 or the wiring to the injector. Could be a bad injector number 5. Maybe the wires to the injectors or the PCM is faulty.

Injector location in a 2003 6.0L Power stroke?

which injector you looking for? there are 8 injectors in that engine

How do you rewire a Fuel Injector - Connector for a 1989 Chevy?

The connector is "keyed" so that it only goes on the injector one way. Locate the key on the connector to be replaced then note how the wires go into the connector and put the wires on the replacement connector in the same orientation.

What is injector rack?

An injector rack is a power block. The power block offers six or more ports for connecting Ethernet cords with a surge protector.

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