A stop light, police car, fire truck, ambulance....lots of things
light red?
Red lights indicate that someone in towing something. They could be blinking or just a red light.
Something red absorbs all the colours of light except red (which it reelects to your eye). Something green absorbs all the colours of light except green (which it reelects to your eye). Thus both red and green will absorb blue light and nothing will be reflected to your eye and the absence of reflected light is perceived as black.
1. Speed 2. Run red light 3. U Turns 4. Tailgate
yeah there is
What is name of girl in simply red's video something got me started?
simple red light does not reflect off green objects and most shades of green have no red in them so you see an absences of light ( also know as black)
if it is a name of something then you do but if it isn't then no.
tomato tulip traffic light