air bags, seat belt, CD player, cruise control, emission controls, computer, air conditioning.
add. abs braking systems, Power Steering, auto boxes, and steering assist systems (for cornering). But very few cars have air conditioning. They mostly only have heating.
...type. *facepalm*
Watch football on a high-def. Theater screen in his man cave.
cook, clean, change diapers shop watch tv
no he didnt no he didnt
cook, clean, watch tv, change diapers, use computer, use cell phone, shop
There were no cities millions of years ago.
family feud computers tv sets dry erase board (white board) air conditioning projectors
Long BEARD Comes down chimney sitting on his lap employs elves
name something people sa who live to be 100 years old love sleep plenty exercise eat healthy
biggies first girlfriend's name was Rose. She was 20 years old. He was 16. His mom didnt like her!
they didnt