You should try changing the light bulb... if that doesnt work, then there might be a short in the wiring, and will need to be looked at by someone who knows electrical wiring.
the left rear indicator light is only working intermitantly, how can this fault be rectified
Bad earth connection at light cluster?
the light burnt out and you need a new one?
Did you check if the bulb is ok? Normally if a bulb is burned out the speed of the indicator inside the car increases significantly.
check for common ground that is broken or corroded and reattach to a clean bare metal surface
check light bulbs in both lights
Bad socket? Bad Ground? Broken wire?
Bulbs blown, or corroded sockets.
More than likely you have a burnt out bulb at the front signal light, rear signal light, or brake light on the right side.
If he was at fault, regardless of whether he was pulling a camper or not, he would be responsible. Pulling a camper doesnt make you responsible for an accident if that was the only thing you did wrong. If someone rear-ended him, its their fault, if he rear ended someone or ran a red light, then yes, its his fault.
in the rear
Could be the provision for the rear fog light on right hand drive cars. On left hand drive cars, the rear fog light is on the left side.