I would suspect a fuse to have blown, check your fuse and replace if broken.
my headlights and dash lights stopped working on my 2007 yamati strada RX150
in dash lights
probably a fuse blown
there was a recall for that .call dealr to see if you qualify
If both the speedometer and odometer stopped working it is probably the speed sensor in the transmission gone bad. If only the speedometer quit you may have to replace the dash cluster with a reconditioned unit.
sync server has stopped working mdcrash reporttool has stopped working.?
I had the same problem...it was the "computer". I had to hit the dash for about a year, then it just stopped working. It was around 800.00 to fix. You need to do at a Chrysler dealer as they have to input the codes that your local mechanic will not have.
Check your dimmer switch under the dash first.
on my 99 Sephia the Blower is located under the dash on the passenger side.
if anything isn't working like guages, dash lights etc... its probably the body control module
Replace the bulbs, change the fuse if its blown, and check the wiring to make sure its not damaged.
If all of them stopped working at once, it could be a fuse. Find the Fuse box and test the one that connects to your dash. if the fuse is bad, replace it.