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If it was hit by a man mowing, Then the man Mowing would be the respnsible party.

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Q: My car was hit by a man mowing and it damaged it who is responsible?
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Whom ever hit it. If it was in park then who hit it is responsible. Depending on the circumstances, your employer should be.

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The mechanic is not responsible for what happens in his parking lot. Your car has insurance, you will have to file the claim through your company. You should file a police report so that if the hit and run guy is caught, he will be responsible.

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The one responsible for that is the person who own the car that hits your car.

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If YOU are the driver of the vehicle that started the chain collision, and pushed the car you hit into the car in front ot it. - YOU are responsible.

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It depends.... If the girl that hit your car has car insurance that covers her while driving another persons vehicle, go after her and her insurance company. But if not, go after the owner of the vehicle, they are responsible for the vehicle at all times. The insurance company doesnt care who is driving.

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Yes, you are responsible for all the damage caused by your accident therefore if an object you hit goes on to cause further damage as a result of being hit then you are responsible for all the damage.

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You hit the other car, so yes, you need to pay to have the other car fixed. Your insurance should do this. If not, it is out of your pocket.

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The driver of the first striking car is responsible for all subsequent damage.

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the person who drove the car he is responsible he signs a form to say that he is responsible for what happens when they drive the car

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It all depends. Both you and the car that is double parked are responsible. when you do hit a car that is double parked, and the person is not at his/her car, make sure you leave a note saying that you hit his/her car. why leave a note? ITS AGAINST THE LAW TO LEAVE A CRIME SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!

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since other (or negligent party) vehicle is 'unknown' then the collision coverage on the damaged vehicle will be the policy to fix this car.....(yes you will have some type of deductible)....homeowners policys typcially exclude everything about auto...