you are to heavy or your car has bad balance. you can try inflating your tyres. hope it works or you can go to the website www.iamfat.isnak2.0 and look at the tips.
Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission Well what makes a car faster is the type of motor it carrys plus the transmission
Horsepower is the basis for a car going faster
An engine;)
the engine
Try answering your car-phone.
Car will not start, makes no sound. Battery is strong.
If your car makes a squealing sound when you are turning it is because your brakes have worn out. When the brakes wear down below a certain point, a wire pops loose. That makes a squeaking sound.
You need to get your car checked.
Yes, sound travels at approximately 761mph at sea level.