If you have recently recharged the Freon on the viechale, you might of accdiently over-charged it.
Find the high-port (Smaller Diamater tubing) and relieve some pressure.
WARNING: Do not relieve pressure during hot tempatures e.x. (85-115 degrees)
Must be done in early morning or night time
And viechle must be cool to the touch. That means it should NOT of been drivin in the past 3-4 hours.
It might be like a tire entry being a single pin, or a black rubber ball.
Cut a metal wire clothes hanger. And bend it to where your a minor safe distince away. And put a towel over or under the hanger to avoid any minor heat release.
Push down with some force. And some air and freon should be realeased. (neon green color)
If still no release. Try again during a lower tempature.
Reason: In the morning temperatures are low, so the pressure in the compressor is stable enough to throw out Freon, even though the pressure is higher than it should (assuming it's over charged). So when the day turns noon with HIGHER temperatures, pressure in the compressor is reaching its limit. So it stops shooting Freon in order not to go over its capacity.
1) Freon has not been use for many years and is not available to purchase. Cars now use R134. 2)It is highly illegal to release automotive referigarant gas in to the air. 3) The low side port is where you re charge the R134 gas and the nipple is the only one that will accept the hose fitting from the re charge kit. 4) Ambient temperature has nothing to do with anything
Plug your cars heater in to the out let. Then when you get in your car in the morning it will be warm
uhhhhh... cold car?
only in the morning? cold morning, warm morning? how many miles do you get in you travels before this happens?
This is condensation and it is normal for that to happen.
iret's amysterrruy
The air on the inside of the car is warmer than the air outside.
The car shakes because your engin has been cold and you sudenly start the car it will shake
Because it's warmer in the afternoon...
The Air Conditioner is on
Depends where you live and how cold it gets.
A car may start better in the afternoon, because the heat of the sun has warmed up the engine. Once a car has sat over night, it may be difficult to start in the morning because the engine is cold.
The reason why it still gets hot in a car on a cold day when the sun is out is because the cold air cannot get inside the car to keep it cool. But the sun is able to shine right through the window and heat it up.