LOC means it is LOCKED. You need to insert the correct code to unlock the radio. If you cannot find it, call your dealer.
are you sure you have the hubs locked in? if automatic hubs then it probably needs manual hubs put in. You have to be stopped and transmission in neutral
Yes it need to be in neutral brakes off steering locked straight ahead same as an auto
its in your transmission
The same problem with my Lincoln town car. When disassembled the transmission, it was evident that the reverse piston did not move, "valve body" can not reverse the piston to move. All valves tested by documentation. I can not understand the problem!
with engine not running,turn key to on then put transmission in neutral then start engine this will usually fix the problem also check fuses there is one fuse that will cause the lockout if fuse is blown
If your 3GS is locked, you can't insert a SIM card.
You cannot get in to the locked cars.Try to have another car.If the car is locked then it is impossible to get in.
Your owner's manual should tell you, but I think in neutral & Xfer case in neutral also. The don't forget to put the key in & unlock the ignition so the wheels are not locked or it will track very nasty & the tires will squeal a lot.
A motor that is locked up cannot make a rotation. The motor will not turn over or start. Try to turn the main pulley. When the pulley cannot be by just, the motor is locked up.
No, you cannot, as there is no such law.
if doors are locked they cannot bee unlocked