If the belt squeaks, either the belt is loose or something else is sticking. Your problem is not the belt but something else. The squeak could be a water pump about to break. Since your typing did not describe just the way it is squeaking, I can not tell exactly what is causing the problem.
I am having the same problem with a 99 Protege. I have changed the alternator and aligned/cleaned the pulleys and the problem persists.I replaced the alternator, on my 1997 Mazda Protege, seven times before someone figured out why the serpentine belt kept breaking. It was the belt tensioner! It had to be removed and rebuilt. Now it is working like a charm!! And I havn't had to replace the alternator in over 3 months!!!!
how do u replace alternator belt on 2002 mazda protege 5 stationwagon
the alternator is located under the inlet manifold
you have to loosen the top alternator bolt alowing the alternator to swing forward loosening the belt
Remove the power steering belt first then the alternator belt will go on.
The regulator is inside of the alternator.
Should be the tensioner that the Alternator belt goes to
Could be a bad rebuild unit or a bad battery. It could also be the type of driving and accessories that the unit supports.
I/C regulator built inside alternator.
Should be the tensioner that the Alternator belt goes to
you have to loosen the top alternator bolt alowing the alternator to swing forward loosening the beltThis answer was retreived from the previous page
The alternator is located on the back of the engine near the firewall (and windshield) on the passenger side, down near the bottom.