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no they do not have to notify you if they plan to repo your car

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Q: Must i be notified in writing of a repossession in pa?
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Can a vehicle from pa be registered in Fla if its up for repossession?

It can be registered, but the repo man is still coming for it.

Is a verbal rental agreement legal in PA?

Most states allow verbal rental agreements. But when the landlord chooses to execute this he must be aware that anything that he wants to enforce about your tenancy there he must have in writing and signed.

How do you find a lawyer in pa who does repossession cases?

Any collections, debt, or civil law attorney should be able to handle a repossession case. The cheaper route might be to contract a collections agency or a small locale repossession company. You can find these in your local yellow pages under collections agencies.

Do you need a licence or anything to repossess cars in Lancaster PA?

PA does require any third party repossession to be done by a licensed repossessor. A third party repossession is one that is completed by a person who is not an employee of the finance company. The license is not the only thing that you need though. Any finance compnay will require that you are bonded and properly insured. This con be the expensive part.

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Can a repo man travel across state lines?

The short answer is Yes. However, Many state laws are different when it comes to "How" a Repossession must take place. Florida, Pennsylvania and California all require a state lisense. Other then that a Repossession order and a police report is all that is required. I live in pennsylvaia and repo Cars, Boats, Motorcycles and equipment in New Jersey, Delaware, New York and PA. I'm wondering why someone would ask such a question?

if my interest and dividend are less than $600 must I file in PA?

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What is an E Misdemeanor in PA?

Misdemeanors in PA are less offensive than felonies. They may include sentences for writing bad checks, shoplifting or terrorist threats.

Do you need a certification to tattoo in pa?

Yes, you must have a degree