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Q: Materials used in car doors
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What materials should be used for the exterior shell of a car?

Carbon Fibre

What is a car part called a hopper?

A hopper car is a railroad car used to carry loose materials like coal or grain. I know of nothing on an automobile called a hopper.

What is car relates to a cell membrane?

the outer part of the car. perhaps doors, windows, and/or bumpers

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You can't open any of the doors on your 1997 mustang V6 with the factory key so you have to use the remote but you know its the proper key because the car starts what could be wrong with your doors?

Possibly one key starts the car and another opens the doors.

Are revolving doors used outside the US?

France, Japan and Korea have them, not sure where else, but to answer your question, yeah. revolving doors are used outside the USA

What does a light that looks like a car with doors mean on a Ford Fusion?

Door Ajar.

What is the most nice looking car in the world?

Lamborghini Countach - with gull-wing doors

What three types of materials are used to make impressions?

Dental materials are examples of materials that are used to make impressions.

What are some building materials that start with the letter p?

· paint · patio doors · pipe · plaster · plumbing pipes · plywood

How do you get a funnel web out of your car?

If you know that there's a Sydney Funnel-Web in your car, you can't stay in that car. I suggest leaving your car in your drive-way with the doors open until you see the spider exit the car.

In order to open the hood of a 1989 Ford Mustang would the car doors have to be unlocked or is it just the manual lever?

the doors would have to be unlocked..there is a release lever under the dash