There are many types of bad drivers...distracted drivers,drunk drivers,people who speed or follow too closely,careless drivers, aggressive drivers. The list can go on and on.
No matter how careful most drivers are they are likely to be involved in at least ___ traffic collision.
Misjudge the closure rate of oncoming traffic
Misjudge the closure rate of oncoming traffic
Statistics show that every one in five drivers involved in a fatal collision had drugs in their bodies.
A combination of speed and volume of traffic plus tight on and off ramps on many expressways
Define "losing focus on the road?" Although most drivers involved in collisions will either disagree or not admit to it... the majority are caused by INATTENTION to drivng.
According to a NHTSA, in 2008 189,000 persons 65 or older were injured or killed in car collisions, out of 2,383,000. That is roughly 8% of all collision injuries or fatalities that year, a lower percentage than all other age groups except those 15 years and under. How many of those collisions were caused by the older driver is hard to say, but certainly not ALL these collisions were caused by the older driver. Lets say 2/3rds were caused by the older driver, that would mean about 5% of injury/fatality collisions were caused by an older driver in 2008. That means 95% of these collisions are caused by drivers in other age groups. Doesn't that kind of make you wonder why they are making such a big deal over car crashes by older people and not those in other age groups???!!!
Each year, there are about 100,000 collisions in the USA alone. Only less than half of these are fatal collisions.
a lot
Above 35,000 people were killed in traffic collisions per year.