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Fire alarm sound,anbulance siren sound,alarm bell sound and car theft alarm.

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Q: Makr a list of all the sounds that warn you of danger?
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What do prairie dogs do to warn danger?

they make a certain whistling/screaming sound to warn other prairie dogs of danger.

What does a kangaroo do to warn other kangaroos of danger?

Yes, tree kangaroos do make sounds. They use various vocalisations in order to communicate. Depending on the species, some of these vocalisations include clicking or "fft-fft" sounds when they are excited or distressed, and hissing or soft trumpeting sounds during courtship.

Why cant i stop dreaming of snakes and panicing for the rest of the night?

It sounds as if your mind is trying to warn you of a danger. Other details of the dream, such as the location or other characters in the dreams, may provide more clues as to what the danger might be.

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What is the purpose of traffic signs?

to warn of a possible danger ahead.

How did Chingachgook warn the others of an impending danger?

Chingachgook warned the others of impending danger by tapping the boat.

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what sits on the water and warns ships of the danger coast

What floating object anchored in water is used to warn of danger?

the bey

What is a word that starts with a w and means point out danger?

Warn - or warning

Why should you yell if there is fire?

To warn other people regarding the danger.

Is warn a verb?

Warn is a verb, as in to notify or make someone aware of a danger, Also to advise against some action or conduct