what is the torque settings on the big ends and conrods on the opel corsa 1.4 utility
2002 opel corsa 1.7 turbo diesel cylinderhead torque settings
Torque Setting for what?
The Opel Corsa Utility 1.4 2008 Model does not have Tappets but Hydraulic Lifters.
Bigends and main torque and cylinder head torque Opel corsa d 2009 1.4i 16v CZF729
what are the torque settings for opel corsa b 13 ne
on a corsa life , 53 plate , its a T40 torque drive.
Which settings do u need
You can download a diagram for an Opel Corsa fuse panel at the FreeBookez website. The German made Opal Corsa has been in production since 1982.
torque settings for mains,big ends and cylinder head Opel Corsa 1.7diesel 2000
110 nm dude