on 94 and earlier models it is located behind the glove box or close to the ECM.
Remove the glovebox, to the right you will see a silver box with 2 connectors going into it. Thats your PCM. The VSS Buffer is mounted to the bottom of the tray the PCM sits on.
buffer header in simple words is the location number where the buffer contains are stored and header contains address of it...
If your speedometer is not working, or working intermittently and you want to isolate whether it's a faulty VSS or buffer box, try this: BEAR IN MIND THAT THIS IS ONLY FOR TBI EQUIPPED CAMAROS. Locate the buffer box. It is under the dash on the passenger side. You'll have to remove the lower cover to access it. The buffer itself is a printed circuit housed inside of a plastic case. On my Camaro, the plastic case is white. I've heard of others being yellow. There are two connectors on the buffer. Disconnect the small one (yellow and purple wires) get a voltmeter, set it to read DC voltage, connect to the plug (polarity doesn't matter). Take someone with you and go for a little drive. Have your ride around buddy monitor the voltmeter. If the VSS is sending out a signal, the voltmeter will register a small amount of voltage. It varies slightly depending on speed. If the voltmeter is not detecting any voltage, chances are that you have a faulty VSS. The VSS sensor is in the trans on a 92 camaro. If you have a tpi motor there is no buffer. The signal is sent directly to the ecm. From there it is sent to the speedometer and cruise control unit. What exactly are you tring to accomplish?
Here is the location of the vss. http://picasaweb.google.com/cefiro.calsonic/P0720VSS# Thanks to the guys at, http://forums.maxima.org/5th-generation-maxima-2000-2003/563476-tranny-missing-p0720-help-please.html You rock...
transfercase right side tail
Goes from the VSS to the ECM. Find the VSS, and you can trace it from there.
I found the answer myself. For those that want to know it's called a VSS Buffer. It controls the speedo and some crud with the tranny also.
the VSS is right on top of the Transmission with a plug on top of the VSS
The VSS is located on The transmission
The vehicle speed sensor is on the top of the rear axle not the trans.