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yes, but all they have to have is a list of all policies which were issued a non-renewal letter. you are highly unlikely to win this argument unless you can get someone from the insurer to admit this on paper; again, highly unlikely.

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Q: Is your homeowners insurance company legally responsible to inform you of not renewing your policy when it is through no fault of your own that you were dropped?
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Why does my homeowners insurance require they come to photograph and inspect my already insured home?

Sometimes a company will make sure that a home is not in disrepair before renewing a policy.

Does an hoa management company pay for any losses in a homeowners insurance claim?

No, an HOA management company typically does not pay for any losses in a homeowner's insurance claim. Homeowners insurance is a separate policy that homeowners are responsible for purchasing and maintaining. The HOA management company is responsible for managing the common areas and implementing the HOA rules, but they do not cover individual homeowner's insurance claims.

Is it illegal for a homeowners insurance company to drop you?

No, it is not illegal for a homeowners insurance company to drop you. But they have to follow the rules for cancellations and non-renewals for the state they are operating in. For example, in Louisiana, if you have been with your homeowners insurance company for 3 years, they can't drop you. In Florida your homeowners insurance company can drop or cancel you but they must meet the minimum notification timeframes.

Are snowmobiles covered on your Homeowners insurance policy?

depending on you insurance company... I know my snowmobiles are covered on my homeowners

Can an insurance company keep you from renewing your license to collect a debt?

No. They have no such authority.

Where can you get homeowners insurance for a home that has had a fire?

If the fire damage has been repaired, you can get homeowners insurance from any company of your choosing.

Do you have to have your house inspected to get homeowners insurance?

The insurance company reserves that right.

Can Non driver homeowners insurance be on a drivers auto insurance?

Homeowners insurance is separate from auto insurance. You may get a discount if you buy both from the same company.

Hard to insure homeowner's insurance?

Hard to insure homeowners insurance could mean that you have poor credit or represent high risk to a homeowners insurance company.

What types of homeowners insurance does the company Chubb offer?

Standard home insurance and valuables insurance are two of the different types of homeowners insurance available to customers that are offered from Chubb.

Can your insurance company raise your homeowners deductible without you consent?

it depends on the company

What companies sell homeowners insurance in FL?

None of the major insurance companies sell homeowners insurance in Florida. The state has made a mess in the insurance market and now the state run company citizens is reaping off homeowners.