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Yes this is an energy savings when you turn down the thermostat at night. Yes this is an energy savings when you turn down the thermostat at night.

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Q: Is there savings turning the thermostat to 45 degrees at night and 70 degrees in the morning on a gas furnace?
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What is a good thermostat heating temperature for you home?

Do you mean what temperature do you set it at? Comfort level is normally between 66 and 72 degrees. If you set your thermostat back when gone or at night dont drop it any more than about 6 degrees to maintain any energy savings your trying to get.

Quick Tips For An Enormous Impact?

Gas bills can prove costly, especially during the winter months. It isn't cheap to stay warm. As winter temperatures become increasingly harsh, people are always looking for ways to reduce their gas bill. Here are a few easy ways you can lower yours. You should always keep your thermostat around 68 degrees when you are home. This should keep your house a comfortable temperature while keeping your gas bill low. If the house is empty during the day, consider turning your thermostat down significantly. Also, reduce the thermostat at night while you are underneath blankets. You could also purchase a programmable thermostat. This will help control your temperature when you aren't home. Another tip is to check your furnace. You can replace a furnace filter for next to nothing. That will increase the performance of the furnace. Also, clean the furnace annually. Like anything else, a furnace needs periodic maintenance to perform well. Another way you can reduce your gas bill is to lower the temperature on your hot water heater. By lowering it to around 125 degrees, you will see sizeable savings on your gas bill. That temperature will still provide you with all of the hot water you will need.

What temperature to keep thermostat on in the summer?

When at home, 76-78 is a good temperature to keep the air conditioning at. When not home, move it up to 84-86. This way when you are away you do not drive your energy bill up as much, yet when you get home you will not need to use as much energy to bring the temperature back to 76-78 (as opposed to turning off the thermostat when gone).

What kind of furnace is the most cost efficient?

The best cost efficient furnace would be an Energy Star furnace. They are efficient in operation and provide an estimated 21% savings as opposed to other furnaces.

Why would an energy star thermostat New Jersey begin heating a house 2 hours early while it is still dark out and the temperature was within 2 degrees of the setting?

Best guess: it thought it was daylight savings time. You may need to adjust the clock on the thermostat.

Is natural gas more efficent for heating homes then electricity?

Yes. Specially if you have a 90%plus condensing furnace. This furnace has two heat exchangers, which means that it uses the combustion chambers radiant heat as comfort heat, if the furnace is matched with a 2 stage or modulating gas valve, the savings can be between 40 to 60 percent savings on utility cost.

Will a digital thermostat save money over the course of a year?

Digital thermostats can save an individual or family money over the course of a year, but only if used properly. If a person programs their thermostat correctly they can see substantial savings.

When will it start getting lighther in the morning?

Well that was yesterday, 7th April and by the way it's called Daylight Savings

Does it save money to use space heaters, instead of turning the thermostat higher on the furnace?

In general, it is more cost-effective to use a space heater to warm a specific room rather than raising the thermostat for the entire house. However, the energy efficiency of space heaters varies, so it's important to choose an energy-efficient model and use it wisely to maximize savings. Keep safety in mind when using space heaters and follow manufacturer instructions to prevent fire hazards.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Thermostat Use?

Everyone knows that a thermometer merely registers the temperature in a location. But a thermostat has the ability to control the atmosphere around it. Even though it may be small, a thermostat has the ability to cause major changes where it is installed. A great tip for wisely using a thermostat is to always remember to set the thermostat down to a lower temperature when one is planning to be away for at least a few hours or more. Simply adjusting the setting down a few degrees can help immensely on lowering costs. Imagine how much money can be saved by lowering the thermostat if a person will be gone for an extended period of time such as a weekend or more. Additionally, nighttime is a good time to adjust the thermostat down a little lower. Many people find that they actually sleep a little better when the temperature in the room at night is slightly cooler than a daytime temperature. Not only does the slight adjustment add to a good night's sleep, but it also helps lower the monthly bill for the energy source providing the heat. One point about lowering the setting on a thermostat that many people fail to consider is the savings that will be produced when a refrigerator or freezer is not required to run nearly so much to maintain a cold internal temperature. The warmer a room is kept, the more a refrigerator will need to run to compensate for the raised room temperature. While many people may think this is a trivial matter, over time the cost of a refrigerator running constantly can really add up. If each degree a thermostat is lowered during an eight-hour period accumulates to mean a one percent savings on a fuel bill, then it is definitely worth attempting to drop the temperature by a degree or two for a trial period. If a person lowers the thermostat while away on a trip during the winter period, it is safe to set the temperature around 55 degrees. That will prevent water pipes from bursting and will provide a nice savings on the next utility bill.

What should you set a thermostat to in winter?

Well, matters how cold you want to be....If you don't want to freeze (literally) that would have to be 33 degrees.It also matters if you have a temperature for your heater to go off at.On my heater, it goes on it the temperature in the house goes below 67 degrees, but I live in CA.

Do you lose an hour day light savings In the fall?

Fall is when you loose an hour of daylight in the evening, gain an hour of daylight in the morning, and gain an hour of sleep time.