There are some companies who offer cheaper car insurance premiums for drivers over 50, as they have less probability of getting into an accident because of their experience. Also a certain amount of discount can be acquired if one takes the 'Pass Plus' driving course. However, people older than 70 are considered to be at a high risk of getting involved in an accident,like the young drivers, and are offerred a higher premium rate.
Car insurance first gets cheaper when you turn 25.
Older computers and accesorires become cheaper with time because the technology changes. So as new technology becomes available older ones become cheaper.
If you own a car and have a valid drivers license than you can get insurance at any age, even 18. You will pay quite a bit for insurance if you don't have any older drivers on the policy though so it is usually cheaper to stay on a parents policy until you're married or you have 3 years of driving experience.
Older drivers are often associated with higher auto-insurance costs. They are more likely to have physical ailments as apposed to younger drivers. These could include visual impairment, hearing loss, reflex issues, and memory loss, among other things. These problems can lead to more accidents and therefore raise insurance rates.
It is the inexperience of the new driver which determines the safety not the car. That's why a new drivers car insurance is so expensive and a much older experienced drivers insurance is a lot cheaper. The new young driver is generally much more likely to have 'Accidents'. My opinion is they are not 'Accidents', rather, they are negligence.
As a young driver you will generally be required to pay higher car insurance premiums than older and more experienced drivers however this does not means its impossible to find affordable car insurance coverage from car insurance companies.
I haven't see that feature, but ask your agent.
It depends on the age and driving record of both parties. Generally speaking, women can get cheaper insurance rates than men, all things being equal. However, an older man with a long, clean driving history would get a cheaper insurance rate than a young woman with a short or poor driving history. If you are both listed as possible drivers, it probably won't make a large amount of difference in the price you are quoted. The insurance company would have to assume that either party could be driving the vehicle at any given time.
Insurance companies usually charge more for younger drivers than they do older, more experienced drivers. It doesnt really have anything to do with whether or not they are in college. There are some insurance companies that offer a discount for being a good student, usually with grades of "B" or better. is a good place to start. you could also try AARP.
Hardly ... the cost to fix a new car is far greater than an older one. The insurance must also cover complete loss, payable to the institution who owns it (has the title) ... that is not usually required in an older car purchased for cash.
Auto insurance for teenagers cost more because driving ability is typically judged under how long you have been driving. Teens are new drivers and are more likely to be involved in accidents than older more experienced drivers on the roads.