Strange choice of words.
Start the vehicle and wait a few seconds for the oil to circulate; then it is most economical to drive slowly until the engine warms up. Be careful the engine don't die - it may flood (the engine runs with a rich mixture until warmed up).
In extreme cold I let them warm up a few minutes (5-10).
you need to re-do the timing of the ignition system. the other possibility is the ignition is worn out and needs to be replaced.
You need something for ignition.
You need something for ignition.
4:52. 53 minus 45 = 8, so we need to go to 8 minutes before 5.
It sounds like your ignition timing timing is too far advanced. It will need resetting.
you need to know the speed before you do anything
You likely need a new ignition coilpack. I had this happen with mine also.
No, not if it is not defective. If the ignition switch is defective then that is all you need to replace.
Cookies typically need to cool for about 10-15 minutes before they can be eaten.
Anywhere from 10 minutes (for a quick exercise) to 30 minutes would be fine.
You need the key that came with the new ignition. Unhook the negative battery terminal, insert the key, wait about 15-20 minutes, then re-hook the battery terminal. If that doesn't work, yoi need to follow the procedure in the owner's manual.
hi i need to remove ignition from an audio 1993 how do i do it