3.2 ounces per gallon
The carburetor on a Weed Eater Featherlite SST25 is adjusted by turning the screws on the side of the carburetor. They control the idle mixture and idle speed of the engine.
Weedeater products, or FeatherLite Weedeaters are made by Poulan. The web address in weedeater.com. There you will be able to put in the model number (ex. FL20), and select type 1. You will get an illustrated parts list and order any part you need.
Try this site for a free manual download: managemylife.com
by turning the screws on the side of the carburetor
2 cycle oil. You can purchase it from any home improvement store
whats the sparkplug gap on a featherlite fl 25 weedeater
THE ONE IK HAVE RUNS AT A 32:1 fuel/oil mixture
The air mixture screw does that.
50:1 as recommended by the manufacturer
50:1 -Matt