Depends on the state law, most states do not allow big trucks in the left lanes of 3 lane or more highways at 65mph or higher.
About 150 miles. If you are going to drive, use the toll road. Free road is a one lane each way, crowded with 18 wheelers
The left lane is supposed to be the fast lane. If you want to drive faster, then use the left lane. Traditionally it is ment to be the passing lane. If you want to pass someone driving slowly in the right lane, then pass them using the left lane, and get back over to the right lane until you need to pass someone else. However, you should not sit in the left lane driving slowly. It is ment to be a passing lane and if you sit out in the left lane, it will make others unhappy! I hope this helped!
Pudding Lane
On a four lane road you may drive in the left lane if you are passing a car in the right lane or, if you are moving at the prevailing speed of other traffic in that lane.
you are not allowed to drive in the bike lane at all
Drive in the lane with the least amount of congestion.
right lane
The right lane is the lane to always drive in. The left lane is to be used for a passing lane.
it is where you drive in the highway
You can drive in the bicycle lane when making a right turn or when it is necessary to avoid an obstacle in the road.
Yes, you must drive in the right lane if there are no vehicles in the right lane according to RSMo 304.015 charge code 4722705.0. The left lane is for passing only.