yes the fastest car in the world is the Bloodhound SSC With over 1000 mph
Veyron 250 ish MPH Speed of sound 620 ish mph Thrust SSC faster than speed of sound This means Thrust SSC faster than Veyron
No it is not, bye 200 kmph.
It is faster by 100 mph.
The Bloodhound SSC is designed to be faster than the Thrust SSC, with a top speed goal of over 1,000 miles per hour. The Thrust SSC currently holds the land speed record at 763 miles per hour.
The fastest car in the world is the Thrust SSC:)
The UK made the thrust SSC which goes faster than the speed of sound and thus the bugatti veyron.
bloodhound SSC
the fastest car in the world is a thrust SSC which has 2 turbos and runs off of alcohol and sometimes nitro methane. from critter
It is more plane than car, doesn't have doors, lights etc.
A Thrust SSC is a supersonic jet propelled car. It still holds the world land speed record and went as fast as 763 mph making it the first car to break the sound barrier.
''no'' coz ,the ssc ultimate earo is the fastest car in the world.!! even bugati veyron is faster than mclaren..
No it is not. A Thrust SSC car is a jet propelled car. A Nascar car is a stock car used for auto racing.