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yes. Unfortunately many of the people who are responsible for accidents are irrsponsible in their personal lives, have no insurance and have nothing of value. Often you don't get anything from the uninsured drivers who cause your accidents.

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Q: Is the person responsible for an accident supposed to pay for the damages?
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Is the person responsible for a boating accident supposed to pay for damages?

Usually anyone that is responsible should pay for damages that they caused.

What should a person do if they were the 'at fault' driver in an accident and their insurance had been cancelled and they are now responsible for paying 6000 dollars in damages?

The moral answer would be for him to pay for the damages that he caused.

What happens if you are sued from the person who hit you in a car accident. The person you hit was ticketed for the accident at the time.?

If a person who sues you was the person responsible for the accident, they have little chance of winning the claim. But they have succeeded in scaring you, reducing the chance that you will sue them. It looks like you must counter-claim, and say that you are waiting for the outcome of the court-case on the ticket for the accident. If they are found guilty of causing the accident, no court will hold you responsible for their damages.

Who is responsible for a car accident the car owner or the person the insurance policy is under and the car owners friend is driving owner insured owners friend?

The people responsible for an automobile accident are those who are operating the involved vehicles at the time of the accident - unless the cause is mechanical failure or some other event outside the control or any of the operators. The person responsible for paying for the resulting damages may be the vehicle owners or the person who bought the vehicle insurance (usually, but not always, the same person). When operator negligence is involved, the operator may be responsible for paying the damages, even though the operator is not the insured person.

If in a wreck and my fault with no insurance?

If you were at fault for the accident you are responsible for the damages to the other person's car. If you are unwilling to pay they can take you to court and attach a lien to your property, garnish your wages or otherwise force you to pay for the damages you caused.

If you are at fault for an accident does your insurance company get billed for the damages of the other person in the accident?

Yes,, That's what it's for. It pays for damages you caused to another.

Who is responsible if an unauthorised driver drives a hire car and has an accident?

I assume that you mean a rented vehicle with an unlisted driver having an accident. If you allow an unlisted driver to operate the vehicle then the person who signed the rental agreement will be responsible for damages because he allowed the unauthorized to drive.

Is an insured driver on your policy responsible for damages that they have not repaired on your vehicle?

== == In the event that you got into a car accident and it was not your fault but the other driver's, if he is insured, his insurance company is liable to pay for the damages of your vehicle. On the other hand, if the other driver is not insured, your own insurance company, provided you have a policy regarding uninsured or underinsured drivers, will be responsible for the damages your vehicle has incurred. They however, may have a right of action against the person responsible for the accident. The person who caused the damage to your vehicle is ultimately responsible for the damage to your vehicle regardless of whether there is an applicable insurance coverage or not. Whether you actually have the repairs done is none of their business.

If your test riding a motorcycle and crash who's insurance is responsible?

the person responsible for the accident, if the person riding yours caused the accident than he/she is responsible

What happens if an uninsured and unlicensed person has an auto accident in the state of California?

The person will never be able to get a California d/licenes. He or She is responsible for all damages and more likely spend time in a correctional facility.

Who is liable in a multi-car accident?

The person that is responsible for the accident.

When you do not have any insurance AND the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident who is responsible of the other parties damages?

You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!