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No it is made in Brazil?

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Q: Is the Morris minor still made in India?
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Related questions

Was the Morris Minor car manufactured in India?

no, they were made in the UK

When was the last Morris minor traveler made?

Morris Traveller production ended in 1971

How many 1961 Morris Minor 1000 cars were made?

Approximately 45000

What kind of car has a hood ornament with two M's on it one small one large M and this was not a Mercedes?

Morris minor is a british car. it was a car much like a vw beetle in shape.Morris also made the Morris major but the bagde you refer to is for the Morris minorAnswerMorris Minor I belive. British

What was the name of the first motor car that made in India?

Hindustan Motors' Hindustan 10 or Morris 10

How is chintz linked to William Morris?

William Morris was a textile artist in Victorian England. He made designs for wallpaper, fabrics, and chintzes. His designs are still being used today.

What is the best car to buy second hand?

The best car to look for is a Morris Minor that has done roughly 40,000 miles. They have a great suspension that's made out of steel.

Morris garage made what cars?

Answer. Morris Garages made the original MG baced on the bull noes morris. This is where the MG name oringinated. They where made at Abingdom in England.

What is a mionr?

Mionr is not even a real word. If you mean Minor then it is a British small car made from 1928-33 and then again from 1948-71 called the Morris Minor. Other than that I can think of nothing in the category automobiles you listed the question in.

Where are jaguar cars now made?

Tata of India bought Jaguar and Rover, they are still made in England.

Do child support payments have to be made to custodial parent if child is pregnant?

If you live in the US... Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor. Therefore, the minor's parents are still responsible for supporting them (but not for supporting the minor's child), and the child support must still be paid.

Who made red fort in india?

The Red Fort was built by Shah Jahan in the mid-17th century and is still a big tourist attraction in India.