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If you are blocking traffic flow for a long time then yes.

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Q: Is stopping at a green light illegal?
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What does a traffic light with a steady red light mean?

A traffic light with a steady red light means stop. All traffic must come to a complete stop until the light turns green. It is illegal to proceed through an intersection with a steady red light.

Can you receive a ticket for stopping at a green light?

If there is a cop present, and you have stopped and have not moved, than yes, you can get a ticket. Should a police/law enforcement officer be present, they would most likely activate their flashers or loudspeaker to inform you that there is a green light and you must proceed through the intersection. This is not a ticketable offense, however, if you should fail to react, they may stop you to test your Blood Alcohol Content or for illegal substances.

Is stopping payment on a check illegal?

In and of itself, no. If it's done with intent to defraud, it might be, but it's not the "stopping payment" part that's technically illegal, it's the "fraud" part.

Can you turn right without stopping if the light is green going straight?

Yes, but only if the movement is safe and there is no indication that the turn is improper -OR- that there are pedestirians occupying the crosswalk of the street that has the red light.

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What do you get when you mix green and white colors?

You get light green.

What are those lights called that are in a car grill that are neon green or red or blue makes the grill glow or light up?


Why are blue and green lasers illegal?

All lasers are illegal if they are higher than 5mw green and blue lasers are not illegal if they are 5mw or less.

When you learn the red light means stop and green lights mean go you are being trained to use a classical conditioning concept called what?

You are being trained through classical conditioning to associate the red light with stopping (unconditioned response) and the green light with going (unconditioned response). This concept is known as associative learning, where a conditioned stimulus (red or green light) becomes associated with a specific response (stop or go).

Is it illegal to work in the US if you are an illegal or is it just illegal to hire an illegal?

It is not legal to work in this country if you do not have a green card and you are an illegal.

Why is the green light green?

Because a green light has a light bulb behind green plastic.