For cars that have an automatic transmission, overdrive lockout turned 'off' (overdrive will engage), is the default option.
default is of course 'on', does your overdrive switch not work? Overdrive should be saving on gas mileage...To change, you would likely need some way to access the cars computer. Goodluck with that.
Online default configuration is not very relevant a question. If you want to set Firefox as your default browser then go the top menu in Firefox. click tools ->options ->advanced ->general Tab ->Always Check to see if firefox is default browser ( tick this option)
After a Windows Server 2003 installation, the warn driver signing option is selected by default.
You can purchase aftermarket overdrive units from suppliers such as Gear Vendors, however another option would be to install an overdrive automatic such as a 700r4, 4l60e, or 4l80e.
Default in Tagalog can be translated as "pangkaraniwan" or "karaniwan".
There is no separate switch for the overdrive, simply put the gear selector in the overdrive position. It looks like a D inside a square. Not all Chevy Celebrities have the overdrive feature, it was an extra cost option.
its always best to use your overdrive when on highways at higher speeds
You can go to settings to create your default profile. There in People option, you can create your profile.
Your vehicle has an overdrive button on the shifter maybe. When you start your vehicle, overdrive is always on. When you tow something, you want the overdrive to be off, otherwise the transmission will run hot and that will lead to bigger problems.
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No he used to use the overdrive. Before the R.K.O it was the Overdrive and the Complete Shot
this option is enable by default