The Dividend Option Term (DOT) rider provides term insurance that helps you get additional death benefit protection at an affordable cost. The DOT rider works in conjunction with the "paid-up additions" dividend option, which applies any dividends earned to automatically purchase more paid-up life insurance. Paid-up insurance means that, once purchased, you won't pay a premium for this additional coverage. As the amount of paid-up life insurance increases, the amount of term insurance provided by the rider decreases.
A paid up insurance policy is a life insurance policy under which all life insurance premiums have already been paid, with no further premium payments due on the policy.
The benefit of term life insurance is that once the life insurance is completely paid off, then the monthly premium are paid off by the dividends. People can also borrow from their life insurance.
A life insurance payout is not taxed.
If you are talking about Life Insurance, Paid Up, means the Life Insurance no longer needs Premiums paid as it is all paid up to sustane the policy for the duration chosen.
has life insurance benefits been paid : group life insurance policy #4600 certificate #8525 Name William C Morgan
The dividends paid on life insurance policies by the insurer are called reversionary bonus which varies yoy.
A life insurance policy becomes "fully paid up" when the company tells you no more premium payments are due.
The dividends paid on life insurance policies by the insurer are called reversionary bonus which varies yoy.
No. Life insurance is paid the the beneficiary named in the policy, your creditors have no claim against the insurance proceeds EXCEPT if the proceeds are paid to your estate.
I have 3 paid up policys with kentucky life insurance where are they now.