these are short term claims against business.
Loan assets and investment assets are the primary assets of a commercial bank. Deposits and borrowing are liabilities also known as claims to a commercial bank.
A contingent liability which is normally accrued is estimated claims under a service warranty on new products sold.
MONETARY ASSETS AND LIABILITIESMonetary assets and liabilities are money or claims to future cash flows that are fixedor determinable in amounts and timing by contract or other arrangement. Examplesinclude cash, accounts and notes receivable in cash and accounts and notes payable incash.NON-MONETARY ASSETS AND LIABILITIESNon-monetary assets and liabilities are assets and liabilities that are not monetary.Inventories, investments in common stock, tangible capital assets and liabilities for rentcollected in advance are examples of non-monetary assets and liabilities.
It is the basic accounting equation which shows the relationship of business assets toward liability and equity and it tells that all assets must generate enough money to pay all liabilities and owner's capital to be successful business.
All of a corporation's assets may be sold to satisfy debts, but this may not be sufficient to pay all claims and liabilities when a business becomes insolvent.
i have the same question my dude sorry
The accounting equation used in business must always be kept in balance - the assets on one side of the equation must equal the claims against the assets on the other side:Assets = Liabilities + Owners' equityThese claims arise from credit extended to the business (liabilities) and capital invested by owners in the business (owners' equity). The claims of liabilities are significantly different than the claims of owners; liabilities have seniority and priority for payment over the claims of owners.Suppose a business has $10 million total assets. The money for the assets came from somewhere. The business's creditors (to whom it owes its liabilities) may have supplied, say, $4 million of its total assets. Therefore, the owners' equity sources provided the other $6 million.Business accounting is based on the two-sided nature of the accounting equation. Both assets and sources of assets are accounted for, which leads, quite naturally, to double entry accounting. Double entry, in essence, means two-sided. It's based on the general economic exchange model.In economic transactions, something is given and something is received in exchange. A common example involves a business that borrows money from its bank. The business gives the bank a legal instrument called a note, promising to return the money at a future date and to pay interest over the time the money is borrowed. In exchange for the note, the business receives the money.
The laws free sureties from liabilities for tort claims related to default by bonded contractors.
A common size balance sheet is a type of standardized financial statement that completely lists all of a firms specific assets, liabilities, and equity claims as a percentage of a firms total assets.
Antarctica is the continent that is divided into the most countries, with seven countries having territorial claims on the continent. These countries include Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
If someone obtains your password then they can log in to your account and change the email address and password so that you can't log in again. Ask Laura Lopez who has stolen @0 and @lau and currently holds them. She also claims to get you accounts using her insider. She is trying to be a twitter translator.