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Q: Is it safe to drive a car when the car is smoking white smoke after the car is turned off?
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Why is a lawn mower smoking?

its probably burning oil, if the smoke is white. if the smoke is black, it means its running rich. if the smoke is white, you have serious internal engine problems

Why is your 1999 cavalier smoking white smoke and missing?

Because you blew the head gasket

Is white smoke polute more than black smoke?

Generally speaking, white smoke is steam and generally does not pollute at all, whereas black smoke is pure burned ash that has been turned into a gas.

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Can you drive a diesel engine blowing white smoke?

You can drive a diesel engine, or any other type, blowing any colour smoke you wish. Though it is pretty foolish to smoke

Does Matt bomer smoke?

If you watch white collar season 5 episode 2, towards the end he is smoking a cigar No

What is Cody Rhodes theme song?

the name of his old song is Priceless and his ew song in New DayPriceless= Jim JohnstonNew Day=Adelitas WayCurrently it is Smoking Mirrors by Matt White

Why would your 1997 Ford Escort be smoking?

If it is blue smoke the rings or valve seals could be bad. If it is white smoke the head could have a bad gasket or have a crack. If it is black smoke the engine is running too rich.

Whats wrong when i Turned key off on car but something kept running then white smoke?

The ignition timing is out

White smoke from engine?

A little bit of smoke is not bad. Especially when you drive an old car. But when you drive a recent car(2013) it could be something in your catalythic converter. If so... drive by your mechanic.

Why does a truck blow out white smoke when turned on?

is this a diesel truck?does this engine have a turbo?if it is a diesel with a turbo,it will blow white smoke when cold till it warms upif it continues to blow smoke check your air filterother reason if it continues to blow smoke is the turbo is about to crater get it checkedalso check engine oil for coolant lossif coolant is leaking into cylanders,this will cause white smoke

Your fiat punto gt turbo does not rev over 4000 rpm it is smoking out the street with white smoke and the turbo is not working any ideas?

easy your yurbo oil seals are gone. white smoke is the turbo smoking. take out the turbo and check the blades for worn or movement. if ok buy a turbo rebuild kit from eBay and get a specialist to do it.