Probably not but it can switch from heat to ac if this answers your question
First responder is correct, if you have a system know as a heat pump. If you have separate heat and A/C , having you A/C turned to extreme cool may cause your heat to come on. A window unit blowing hot and cold simultaneously is indicative of the A/C motor overheating, and could be dangerous.
Not a good idea.
Likely heater core. I had same problem with 1996 S-10 with 4.3L.
I have the same problem. Change your heater hoses, top and bottom !
Heater core is on the passenger side behind the glove box, this is also the location of the air conditioner evaporator core.. they should be in the same housing.
No it's not ! It uses electricity to blow cooler air into a home - the same effect can be achieved by opening a window !
I have exactly the same problem on my 2000 Still looking for the answer
hi, did you faind an answer, i'm having the same problem, Cheers
Air in the water system.
That can happen if they are low on freon.
I had the same problem...until I had the coolant in the AC system recharged two years ago
that heppend to my car i had to finaly replace the heater blower so it could be the same thing
There could be two possible answers to your ?? Behind the dash board on the passerger side depending on make\model of car houses your a/c and heating system. If this started with only using the a/c it could be a broken or cloged evaperator drain. creating the a/c condensation to build up and run on the floorboard this is not very common but can happen The excess water that can not drain off can also be pulled up into the blower motor causing it to short out and blow the fuse in the fuse panel. More common problem is the heater core is housed in the same location next to the evaperator. The heater core is often the cause of the problem especialy if the cooling sys on the car has not been maintained properly over the years. another sign of the heater core leaking is the front window will fog up real bad when the defroster is turned on and you may get a bad oder also. This can short out the fan blower the same way the a/c does.