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In cooler temperatures it's ok, but in hot weather run a thicker oil.
Most small engines will run on 30w oil .
For an aircooled VW Beetle, use Castrol GTX2. It has the right viscosity.
Ford recommends the use of 5w20. In fact, they push 5w20 for all the Modular V8's, and even back dated the older Modulars to use 5W20. They tested the 5W20 Motorcraft oil enough to recommend useage for all the Modulars. That being said, if you have cold winters run 5W20 or 5W30. Because of the engines tighter tolerances, and the OHC design, a thinner oil cold will be a better choice so it flows to the upper cylinder heads quicker. If you live in a hot climate, 10W30 wouldn't be a bad choice, but the 4.6L was designed to use 5W30/5W20. I run 10W30 in the summer, 5W30 in the winter. Hope this helps.
If your talking about engine oil 5 quarts of 5w20 preferably with a motorcraft filter and semi synthetic oil which you can run 5,000 miles.
Classic Beetle: Shell Rotella T 15W40. You can use any heavy-duty oil you like--other brands include Chevron Delo 400 and Castrol Tection Extra. Note from long time classic beetle owner: I prefer Castrol GTX 20W50 in a classic Beetle. (Note to long term classic beetle owner: I used to run the same stuff. Rotella is made for service in heavy-duty diesels, which run hot compared to a watercooled gas engine. Bug engines also run hot...so I have come to enjoy using heavy-duty oil. If you want to stick with a Castrol product, try Castrol Tection Extra. When you're running big rig oil, there's no "what viscosity do I use?" about it: ALL of it is 15W40.) New Beetle: 5W20, Any name brand will do but I like Castrol. Synthetic is fine. The new beetles from 1998 up use a special oil,and if you don't use the right one you are going to have problems with overheating.My oil is a 0-40 and it is more expensive but I don't have the overheating problem I had when they changed the oil and used the 5-30 synthetic.I got mine at Walmart it was 6.49 a quart.The 99 beetle takes 4 and a half quarts.
if it's not the right kind, then YES. I'm pretty sure a 87 Bird takes 10W30
In my beetle I run SAE30 oil in winter, SAE40 in summer. I change oild religiously at 3K minle intervals without fail. Aircooleds don't seem to like multi-viscosity oils. If it's below freezing out the SAE20W oil is called for.
The 2005 model year neon calls for 5w20 to be used. However, if 5w20 isn't available in your area 5w30 can be used. From what I can tell there were no changes made in the engines from 2004 to 2005 that warrented a change in oil viscosity recommendation, so the change was to satisfy fuel economy requirements. You should be able to run 5w30 or 10w30 without a problem.
Yes it can. E10 is no problem for a VW beetle.
Yes, no problem. Just change your oil and filter every 3000 miles religiously.