It either means you are do for regular scheduled maintenance or it needs to be repaired.
The maintenance cost of a car is how much it costs to keep it legally on the road for a year. The cost for a brand new car is usually low but costs increase as the car gets older.
It depends on your driving style and how old the car is. For a new car, you should expect to pay may a few thousand dollars for maintenance. For an older car, you should expect to pay more.
More or less is not a good way to describe the frequency for car maintenance. Regular maintenance is the right way. Go to your mechanic and let him assess if your car needs an oil change. Ask him about the frequency of maintenance too.
the car with the normal gasoline
Well, that depends. When you purchase a brand new vehicle the maintenance is free for 60,000 to 100,00 miles. The new cars comes with a maintenance that gives free oil changes, tune ups, brake jobs and even tire replacement.
Basic maintenance for a new car is very little. You can expect to pay around $100 and that is mainly just for oil changes. Older cars may require more costly maintenance yearly.
The control group is the car filled with normal petrol (gasoline in USA).
If it's had proper maintenance since new, you should expect 180,000 - 200,000 miles out of it. With excellent maintenance, alot more.
He can sell it as a New Demonstrator. If he is asking MSRP for any new car, walk away. There are way too many deals out there to pay even close to MSRP for any car especially one with 2,000 miles on it.
You have to be more clear, you asking about a new or used car and which country