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Q: Is it less cars or fewer cars?
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What is the difference between fever and less?

"Fewer" is used when referring to countable items or things that can be quantified individually, like "fewer apples." "Less" is used when referring to things that cannot be counted or are measured as a whole, like "less sugar." So, you would say "fewer cars" but "less traffic."

When is 'less' and 'fewer' used in sentences?

'Less' is used when referring to quantities that cannot be counted (e.g. less sugar), while 'fewer' is used when referring to quantities that can be counted (e.g. fewer cookies).

Can You give me a sentence using fewer and less?

She had fewer apples than the day before, and less time to bake a pie.

When do you use the word fewer?

The theory is that you use fewer for countable things and less for uncountable things. For example fewer coins but less money; fewer teeth but less hair; fewer bananas but less fruit; fewer hats but less clothing. [You may have 6 coins, 25 teeth, 12 bananas and 7 hats but the other things don't go with numbers.)I have FEWER cats than dogs.I have FEWER pencils than pensThere are FEWER buildings in the country than in the city.Hope this helps:)

Can you use fewer and less in the same sentence?

You may have fewer ingredients but less salt. Or, people are buying fewer newspapers because they have less money. However, according to usage rules, 'fewer' is used when using countable things and 'less' is used for singular mass nouns

What is the difference between less and fewer?

Contrary to popular belief, the words 'less' and 'fewer' cannot be used interchangeably. 'Fewer' is used when it would be possible to count the number of things. (Example: There are fewer people here now than there were earlier.) 'Less' is used when you cannot count the number of things.

What cars are cheap to insurance?

In general, four door family sedans are less expensive to insure. other factors as well such as fewer cylinders can keep the cost low.

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What does the company Cars For Less offer?

There is not a company called Cars For Less. However when searching for the Cars For Less what comes up is a search for Company Cars. So, guessing Cars For Less if it did exist would offer Company Fleet Cars.

What is the process for the clue words less or fewer?

For a countable noun use fewer, for uncountable nouns use less.

Why does Google think driver less cars are a good idea?

Fewer traffic collisions Removal of constraints on occupants' state 24/7 private chauffeur Increased roadway capacity

What is the difference between fewer and less?

The terms "fewer" and "less" are often confused, but they are used differently based on what they describe. Here’s a clear breakdown of the difference: Fewer Usage: "Fewer" is used with countable nouns—things that you can count individually. Examples: "There are fewer apples in this basket than in that one." (Apples are countable.) "She has fewer books than he does." (Books are countable.) "We need fewer chairs for the meeting." (Chairs are countable.) Less Usage: "Less" is used with uncountable nouns—things that cannot be counted individually and are typically measured in terms of volume, amount, or degree. Examples: "There is less water in the glass." (Water is uncountable.) "She has less time to complete the project." (Time is uncountable.) "We need less sugar in the recipe." (Sugar is uncountable.) Summary Fewer: Used with things that can be counted (e.g., apples, chairs, books). Less: Used with things that cannot be counted individually and are measured in bulk or degree (e.g., water, time, sugar). Examples in Sentences Fewer: "There are fewer students in the class this semester." Less: "There is less noise in the library than in the cafeteria." Using "fewer" for countable nouns and "less" for uncountable nouns helps ensure clear and accurate communication.