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yes if you have a sign that says the first name of me. What lives if fed but dies if you give it a drink?

Call the Indiana state police

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Q: Is it legal to drive a black and white ex police car in Indiana?
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What is the legal age to possess a hand gun in Indiana?

check with your state police

Is it legal in Indiana to drive a car with no back windshield?

In Indiana the legal limit on transparent plastic on a windshield is no more than 4 inches. The plastic MUST be transparent, not "foggy" to keep from obstructing the drivers view.

Is spice legal in Indiana?

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Can a convicted felon hunt with a black powder rifle in Indiana?

In the state of Missouri Its perfectly legal to hunt with a black powder rifle during deer season. In all counties

Is it legal for a 14 year old to drive a 49cc gas scooter in Richmond Indian?

In Richmond, Indiana, the legal minimum age to operate a 49cc gas scooter is 15 years old. Therefore, it would not be legal for a 14-year-old to drive a 49cc gas scooter in Richmond, Indiana. It is important to check with local laws and regulations to ensure compliance.

What is the legal drinking age in the state of Indiana?

The legal drinking age in the state of Indiana is 21 years old.

Is it legal in the United States to drive around with a damaged car?

It is currently not legal for a driver to drive around in a damaged car. If caught by a police officer, the driver can face stiff penalties including a fine or confiscation of their vehicle.

What is legal in Indiana?


Is it legal to drive 50cc scooters in Indiana with no license?

Yes, anything over 50cc you need a motorcycle licence. You must be over the age of 15.

Are pocket bikes legal in Indiana?

You can drive a pocket bike in residential areas

What is the smoking age in Indiana?

18 is the legal age for smoking in the state of Indiana

Are Pocket Bikes Street legal in Indiana?
