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Yes all personal repairs are legal, if you are only replacing the pads and rotors/drums you can easily do it yourself. Bleeding the brakes is easier with 2 people.

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Q: Is it legal to change the brakes for your car by yourself?
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How do I find out about how/where to change the brakes in a car?

If you are looking to change brakes yourself you can look at an online website which people can direct you on how to install new brakes. You can also check the phonebook or web to find reliable auto shops.

Is it possible to fix your brakes yourself?

Yes it is possible to replace brakes yourself. If you have the tools and a little background in cars, you should not have a problem replacing the brakes on the car.

Can I change my car brakes by myself to save money?

If you have the ability and you know something about mechanics and working on cars then it may be possible to change them yourself. In changing them yourself it would save you a good bit of money.

What place replaces car brakes?

Auto zone will replace car brakes. The have brakes to buy in case you want to do it yourself, or they can do it for you for an extra fee, which isn't that much.

How difficult is it to change brakes on a car?

If you are a good auto repair mechanic, then you can change the brakes on your car. I wouldn't recommend changing brakes on a vehicle because they can be very complicated and if they are not changed properly you can cause a serious accident.

Centric Brakes?

form_title= Centric Brakes form_header= Install centric brakes in your car. Do you have a brand preference?*= () Yes () No If so, what is it?*= _ [50] Will you install the brakes yourself?*= () Yes () No What is your budget for brakes?*= _ [50]

Which brakes to change first on an all wheel drive car?

Which ever axle the brakes have worn out.

How do you bleed the brakes on a Ford Taurus or Sable with ABS?

If you can't change the oil of your car on your not attempt to repair the brakes, save yourself future trouble, for your safety and the safety of others take the car to a certified mechanic not gable....sleep well and drive safe.

When should car brakes be serviced?

The brakes should be inspected every oil change and replaced when necessary.

How do you change car brakes for my car?

You can repair the drum brakes on your car by getting the needed parts from an auto store then either taking the car to a mechanic or finding a step by step instructions.

How do I know if I need to replace my brakes?

When the car brakes start making a grinding noise while you are hitting the brake, it is time to change the brake pads. There are online tutorials available if you'd like to do this yourself, or you can go to any local car dealership or auto body shop to have the service done for you.

How do you change brakes on a front wheel drive car?

the same way as you would on a RWD or AWD car. but more information is needed to answer such a question. what part of the brakes????