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Were they a named insured in the Household? By most companies, if you are rated in the household, you may drive any vehicle in HH. Yes, coverage should still apply to the vehicle however I would try to get the title of the car changed out of the name of the deceased party's name as soon as possible.

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Q: Is it legal for an insured secondary driver to drive a car owned by a deceased primary driver?
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If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

Who is liable in washington state if an insured licensed driver hits an insured vehicle with an unlicensed driver?

The at fault driver always has the primary liability for the damages they cause in an accident. (The guy who rams the other guy).

If your insured with one company and you drive another vehicle that's insured by another company and you get into an accident wich insurance company pays for it?

The Owners Vehicle Policy offers primary first pay coverage. Any policy carried by the driver would invoke as secondary coverage.

Can you be auto insured under your uncles policy?

It depends on which company your uncle is insured with, but typically with a standard insurance company you have to live in the household to be a listed driver on the policy. This is regardless of your relationship to the primary insured. If you are not listed on the policy as I driver you are still insured to drive his vehicles as long as you have permissive use.

What is the definition of a primary driver?

The definition of a primary driver is the main person who drives a vehicle. Other people who sometimes drive are secondary or part time drivers.

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What happens when an uninsured driver driving an insured car got hit by an insured driver?

P.S. The insured driver is found at-fault with witnesses. The uninsured driver is worried if his license will be suspended or facing any penalty for driving the his parent's INSURED car.

Who pays when driver is not the car owner but has car insurance?

Usually the insurance policy of the owner of the car is primary and then if the driver of the car has a policy of their own then it is secondary.

Who is liable if someone else is driving your car with your consent and you had no insurance on the car?

They'll go after the car's owner first. IF the driver has an insured vehicle, it would be secondary.

Is an insured driver covered in an uninsured vehicle?

No direct answer, as this all depends of the level of cover of the insured driver.

Is there a Penalty for uninsured driver with insured vehicle?

As far as states go I know in Utah it is the vehicle not the driver that is insured.

If you are the primary insured driver of a leased vehicle what additional coverage do you need for one extra driver?

The extra driver needs to be added onto the insurance policy. Having someone drive a vehicle and not having them on the policy can be a large problem if an accident were to happen.