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No but it's best to park on a old lady.

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Q: Is it illegal to park on a roundabout?
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Is it legal to park around a mini roundabout?

If there are no yellow lines then you may park there.

When you 're on a roundabout and it looks as if the park is spinning around you is it you that's spinnning or the park?

it you that 's spinning

Where is it illegal to park a vehicle?

It is illegal to park a car in front of a fire hydrant.

Is it illegal to have a picnic in the middle of a roundabout?

Yes, it is illegal to have a picnic in the middle of a roundabout as it is a traffic violation and poses a safety hazard to both drivers and pedestrians. It is important to only have picnics in designated areas where it is safe and legal to do so.

What is the price of roundabout in amusement park?

Roundabout is a largely British expression for any sort of circular ride, including a carousel or merry-go-round. the term also refers to a traffic circle and is used in this context in the Beatles song Penny Lane.

Who must yield at a roundabout?

A driver must always look to the left and yield to a vehicle that is already in the roundabout.

How do you determine who is at fault when an accident happens in a roundabout?

Cars in the roundabout have the right of way over cars entering the roundabout.

Is it illegal to park your vehicle in a bicycle lane?

?Depends It is not illegal in California, forexample.

Sentence using the word roundabout?

The junction is controlled by a roundabout.

When was The Magic Roundabout created?

The Magic Roundabout was created in 1964.

When did The Magic Roundabout end?

The Magic Roundabout ended in 1971.

When did Operation Roundabout happen?

Operation Roundabout happened in 1943.