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Yes, in most countries of the world it is illegal to drive a car if you do not have an insurance that will cover any damage or injuries that you may do to other people if you have an accident in the car.

If you did not have this insurance and you knocked someone over and paralysed them, then how would you pay for the care they would need in hospital and for the rest of their life.

Because of this society has passed laws which require you to have third party insurance when you are driving a car. If you do not have this insurance you are breaking the law and committing a criminal act if you drive a car.

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Q: Is it illegal to not have car insurance?
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It is illegal to drive a car that has no insurance.

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It depends on the location but it is almost always illegal to drive the car away without insurance.

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It is illegal to drive without financial responsibility.

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Yes, illegal immigrants can get car insurance in California. To get a driver's license the individual will need auto insurance, and a permit.

Can you purchase car insurance without a drivers license?

no it is illegal

Can you have car insurance in Texas without a drivers license?

Sure, it is not illegal to own a car without a licence and therefore is not illegal to insure a car without a licence...but it is still illegal to drive it.

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Women and men can purchase car insurance from the same company, its illegal for one to discriminate. Any car insurance agent can help find the best deal on car insurance.

Is it legal in Illinois to have a car in your name and have it tagged but not have insurance?

Driving around with no insurance in any state is illegal. * No

Is it illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance?

it is not illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance.

Do you need to have car insurance when you have a learner's permit?

Yes, it is illegal to drive without car insurance. You may be covered on your family's insurance plan, however, so I would discuss it with them.

What is the penalty for driving a car without insurance in Florida?

I could be wrong, but im pretty sure its not illegal to be without car insurance in the state of Florida.

Is it illegal drive a car without insurance in New Hampshire?

Wow.......Of course!